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Memory card Data Recovery

Memory CardWe don’t actually offer this service as it’s quite specialised, but I wanted to share a link with you to a company I used recently and thought our customers might find handy if you ever get problems with your data… Whilst in America last year, I went snorkeling with an underwater camera.

To my dismay, the battery cover came open and leaked water into the camera. OH NO! When back in England, I was able get the camera repaired, but the memory card was ruined, and I had lost precious film of my little ones learning to dive.
Never one to be defeated, I set about finding a company to help, and came across TRC Data Recovery. They somehow managed to get all the footage off the card, and hosted it Online as a ZIP file for me to download. The footage was perfect, and I am delighted. It did cost quite a lot, but at the end of the day it’s a lot cheaper than going back and filming it again! and they were very professional and fast.

Hope you never need to use them, but if you do, TRC are good at what they do….
– Jennie

Visit TRC Data Recovery website

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