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Karishma Cloud 6.1

You can now share individual films with your friends and family in Karishma Cloud!

Today all Karishma Cloud customers have been upgraded to version 6.1, so you can now choose which individual films you want to share with each different family member. So easy to set-up, just visit the ‘Add Users’ area within your account. With the Add Users tool you can create up-to 8 users, giving them tailored access to your home movies, no matter where in the world they are. Login to Karishma Cloud Find out more about Karishma Cloud

Karishma Cloud
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New for 2023, our Phoenix 5K full frame scanner gives us our most significant camera system update ever, offering next-level image quality in a 16-megapixels frame scan. Our scanner takes individual photographs of each cell of your film from 8mm all the way up to 35mm film. You can have your film scanned in 2K, High Definition, or 4K Ultra High Definition. AI technology is then used to remove dust, remove harsh noise while recovering real detail, restore colours and create an artefact-free perfect 24fps movie.

Alive Cloud

Alive Studios AI Movie hosting is free for 14 days.
 Log in via your computer, or download the free APP to your phone or tablet so you can take your memories with you wherever you go. Automatic AI indexing of your videos, Search for words, car, dog, person and more.

Log in online to make changes to the titles of your movies, create multiple user logins for all your friends and family so they can share the experience too. from £24/year