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16mm film transfer for Andrew Morton’s book

Alive Studios spent some time recently working with Andrew Morton on the images to be used in his latest book – 17 Carnations – a compelling account of the wartime world of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, which neither the government nor the royals of the day wanted you to read. Morton sourced private film archives from all over the world, and sought the help of Alive Studios to scan and restore the tiny film cells to produce some incredible photographs to be published throughout the pages of the book.
Check out a few of the pictures on this page – these were taken by using the ‘JPEG Image Sequence’ option when ordering 8mm cine film in HD. The resulting JPEGS were then cleaned up by hand to produce some great freeze-frame from the never-before-seen films.

– Thank you to Andrew Morton for his mention of our studios in the acknowledgments page of the book.

17 Carnations
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New for 2023, our Phoenix 5K full frame scanner gives us our most significant camera system update ever, offering next-level image quality in a 16-megapixels frame scan. Our scanner takes individual photographs of each cell of your film from 8mm all the way up to 35mm film. You can have your film scanned in 2K, High Definition, or 4K Ultra High Definition. AI technology is then used to remove dust, remove harsh noise while recovering real detail, restore colours and create an artefact-free perfect 24fps movie.

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Alive Studios AI Movie hosting is free for 14 days.
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